

PX4 FMU启动流程 2. 三、nsh_session

PX4 FMU启动流程 2. 三、nsh_session 

                                                                             -------- 转载请注明出处

                                                                             -------- 2014-11-27.冷月追风

                                                                             -------- email:merafour@163.com 

    有了前面的铺垫,这时候我们看 “nsh_session”函数就简单很多了。

int nsh_session(FAR struct console_stdio_s *pstate)
  int ret;


  /* Present a greeting */

  fputs(g_nshgreeting, pstate->cn_outstream);

  /* Execute the login script */


  /* Then enter the command line parsing loop */

  for (;;)
      /* For the case of debugging the USB console... dump collected USB trace data */


      /* Display the prompt string */

      fputs(g_nshprompt, pstate->cn_outstream);

      /* Get the next line of input. readline() returns EOF on end-of-file
       * or any read failure.

      ret = readline(pstate->cn_line, CONFIG_NSH_LINELEN,
                     INSTREAM(pstate), OUTSTREAM(pstate));
      if (ret != EOF)
          /* Parse process the command */

          (void)nsh_parse(&pstate->cn_vtbl, pstate->cn_line);

      /* Readline normally returns the number of characters read,
       * but will return EOF on end of file or if an error occurs.
       * EOF will cause the session to terminate.

          fprintf(pstate->cn_outstream, g_fmtcmdfailed, "nsh_session", 
                  "readline", NSH_ERRNO_OF(-ret));
          return ret == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* We do not get here, but this is necessary to keep some compilers happy.
   * But others will complain that this code is not reachable.

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

跟 “nsh_script”函数还是挺相似的。不同在于这里的命令行不是来自脚本文件,而事实来自 outstream,是什么呢?我们可以在 “nsh_newconsole”函数中找到。其实就是与用户交互的命令行终端。我们用上位机连上飞控的时候可以在一个窗口中用命令与飞控交互,这部分工作就是由这里完成的。
